trust a game someone else coded? why not just type it in ?
I could never trust what’s in those. So I provide my games in paperback.And beside that ,This book provides excellent value, because “…Normally games of this quality are only available individually on cassette.”
My lovely wife found me a copy of this 40 years old gem, between french cooking books about 300 ways to prepare a courgette dish or pumpkin soup, in a small jam-packed book shop in Rabat old bazaar. A pristine copy, mind you. Such a fun surprise
I saw a few youtube videos and learnt that there exists an amazing emulator for the ZX Spectrum , even support for a huge choice of gamepad and keyboard types included. The emulator let’s you set up how distorted the image should look, making sure that you see what you used to see in your CRT tv. Marvelous
The ZX Spectrum is an 8-bit home computer that was released in the United Kingdom on 23 April 1982, and became Britain’s best-selling microcomputer. And this book contains 21 FULL games (no DLC, no seasonal passes, no loot boxes) for ZX Spectrum, all written in BASIC. You’re supposed to open your terminal and type them all in. So this book gives you the right to modify your games as well !
The book provides an overview of subroutines, explaining the duty of each one, and what can be changed for various effects. The standards about anything coding related was far and beyond what we have nowadays, and that includes the documentation.The actual ZX Spectrum keyboard contains special keys for typing in BASIC code easier, e.g., keys for keywords like GOSUB,GOTO, REM and such. So I believe that it would be easier to type these codes on an actual ZX Spectrum than my Logitech Craf. (Assuming that I wouldn’t use a visual editor or vim with copy-pastes and search-replace’s)
Below is photos of the entire section for the “Commando Jump” game. Though I believe the most famous game is the space invaders.
And below are two videos of “Commando Jump” and “Space invaders” on ZX Spectrum