Probability Distributions explaining the drive behind Legend Cards concept in FIFA Franchise
I was just following this really comprehensive course about Data Science on Udemy . And at some point on some chapter about Practicle Examples of Probability Distributions , which is centered around the assumption that you’re working for EA and working on the FIFA franchise , I saw some neat explanation for the move of Legend Cards(might be named FUT Icons as well ,not sure) concept on the Fifa Ultimate Team game mode.
I can’t claim to know for sure that this is the exact reason , and probably it’s not , but I do like how good it fits.
EA wants to know which Customers can afford to spend more on in-game purchases. They send out a survey and one of the questions is If they are an official member of a club in the game , because
official member → More devoted & financially capable — TARGET !
So , they want to target this group of Customer , but how ?
They analyze the membership status of accounts on a histogram , as above, and see that It’s following a Logistic Distribution , since the likelihood of having a membership sharply raises after nearing a specific value, which is called the Location of the distribution , for this type of distribution.
With this insight, they decide the target value as “ age 34 & above” ; resulting in introducing Premium cards of players who have retired over the last 20 years. Neat
Again , probably it wasn’t this simple and straightforward , but it’s fascinating how good this all fits.